Jerusalem Insurance Company held a training workshop for its female staff, entitled “Power to Empowerment,” to enhance the role of women in the labor sector and the importance of their empowerment through the promotion of a functional environment and gender equality.
Over 3 days, 20 participants from the Jerusalem insurance company took part in the workshop that dealt with the Gender mainstreaming in institutional performance development with the participation of selected Jordanian women leaders, including Dr. Heba Hadadin, Hakam Al- Qsous, and Dr. Samia Al-Farra.
This workshop is phased one of the training for the 40 employees of Jerusalem Insurance company, who hold various leadership and management positions.

The first day of the workshop, which did Dr. Bennett present, focused on Women’s Leadership in the Working Environment and gender roles.
At the second day of training, Dr. Hiba HaddinN, a trainer specialized in Gender mainstreaming, Women Issues, Media, and Training, discussed gender communication skills through developing female employees’ leadership Skills, in order to create opportunities, promoting rights to empower them in the job market.
On the last day of training, the workshop focused on the mechanism for strengthening the leadership role of women in the working environment, the role of positive gender thinking, and gender thinking skills.
In addition, an international educational adviser Dr. Samia Alfarra, former Principal of the Baccalaureate School, who was selected from among 356 inspirational lists of women business, took part in the workshop.
As well as Hakam Al Qsous, mother of the late pioneer Aye Aghabi, founder and initiator of “Accessible Jordan” initiative and website, which contains a guide to all outdoor venues and parks that grant access to the disabled.
AL- Farra and Al- Qsoues, spoke about their experience to motivate and urge the female staff of Jerusalem Insurance Company to peruse their career.

Understand their rights and ability to succeed and to have equal and fair opportunities, as well as the importance of positive thinking for a better understanding of gender roles and the role of women in building society.
On his part, the general manager of Jerusalem Insurance Company, Imad Marar, stressed the vital role played by women working in the company, indicating the company’s support for them and its interest in providing a fair working environment guaranteeing their rights.
Mrar also noted:” More than half of the leadership positions in Jerusalem Insurance Company were held by women, stressing on the strategy applied by Jerusalem Insurance to ensure gender equality and the empowerment of women”.
This training course is part of Jerusalem Insurance Company’s concern in gender equality and women’s empowerment. The theme of the workshop is one of the most important issues that has become a priority in the sustainable development agenda, aims at empowering women in all areas, particularly in the economic sphere, to enable them to participate effectively in their communities and achieve success in their work
About JICO
Jerusalem Insurance Co. provides ultimate insurance coverage of first-class rated and secured international reinsurances plus first class services of high-quality and value for their clients. JICO produces insurance products that are demanded by society in order to guard the interests of the economy. Jerusalem Insurance Co. invests in up-to-date communication and information technology to promote full visibility, management efficiency, and cost effectiveness in the insurance competitive market. JICO affirms teamwork, dedication and loyalty within their establishment in order to contribute to the growth and sharing in the success of the company. In 1999 Jerusalem Insurance Co. was awarded ISO Certificate (ISO 9002-1994) to be among the first Jordanian Insurers to obtain the certificate. For more information https://jico.jo/